Who are these people anyway?

a.) Two brunettes and a blond

b.) College roommates (circa 20+ years ago)

c.) Moms to eight kids, four dogs, a cat and a bass named “Betty”

d.) Party people

e.) All of the above

If you guessed “E” you can take the rest of the day off (tell your boss we said so) because you are a winner! If you wondering about the bass - and who wouldn’t be - she’s a pet and she lives in spacious aquarium with the blonde. Well, the blonde doesn’t actually live in the aquarium with Betty but it is at her house.

Where it all started…

Who We Are

We LOVE to celebrate. Anything, everything, all the things. We’re “all in” girls. The three of us met in college 20-ish years ago where we stirred up all kinds of mischief. And, we've been friends ever since. Now we live in three different cities and we see each other far less than we feel is adequate. So we cooked up this little idea that is Swizzle Stir Stix. It’s quirky. It’s silly. It’s more than a smidge off-beat. But then again, so are we.

A little note from us…

We’ve had a rough go as of late.  Unprecedented, some might say. A real goat rodeo with a side of $h!t show if we’re being really honest. So much divisiveness and distancing. Both literally and figuratively.   At this point, you’re thinking “so what in the heck does that have to do with cocktails?"

These past few months have taught us the importance of connection and people. We haven’t connected enough and we’ve giggled too little. So we cooked up this little idea that is Swizzle Stir Stix.  We make Swizzle Stir Stix and cards and some other fun stuff that helps people connect and celebrate. Basically, party stuff. It’s quirky. It’s silly. It’s more than a smidge off-beat. But then again, so are we.

 We miss our people and we LOVE to celebrate. Anything, everything, all the things. We’re “all in” girls. We’re not here to judge. We don’t care how you voted, if you’re into fitness or into “fittin’ that entire taco in your mouth” or both!  We don’t care if you’re a snowflake, a fruitcake or half-baked. We want you to know that we’d love to have you as part of our tribe - as long as you like to laugh. Because laughter transcends every language barrier. It doesn’t care about philosophical differences or what you look like. It just makes you feel good. So all that to say, we love to laugh. Together. Preferably over drinks. And cheese.

Join us! There’s always room at our table. And, there’s usually cake. Okay, there's always cake.  We’re a tribe of misfits and kind-of fits and aspires to be fit but maybe not this week (diets always start next week). Wherever you’re celebrating is where we want to be. Thanks for joining us. You remind us of everything good in Willie Nelson songs. And, in the meantime stir up some mischief.

Air hugs for now,

A, C and N

We’ve stirred up a lot of mischief!

We can’t wait to hear what you’re stirring up! Go big! And tag us at #swizzlestirstix @swizzlestirstix